Friday, September 22, 2006
A Busy Couple Weeks
My parents (John from "Romantic Ramblings" and the famous photographer Carol) were down to visit last weekend. We had a great time! We celebrated my Mom's birthday (Sept. 10) and my husband Johnny's birthday (Sept. 17) at Buca di Beppo. This is a terrific Italian restaurant if you don't know. We had a blast with Trevor at the pool and at the beach. They only get to see their grandson a couple times a year, so every moment is precious.
We had a bit of bad news recently - found out that a dear family member was possibly within a day or two of passing away. Fortunately, a second opinion was obtained, some new treatment measures were introduced, and while her health is not perfect, she appears stable at this point, and is still enjoying life.
Trevor has 2 more teeth coming in - both his eye teeth (canines) on the top. I think the bottom ones will be appearing soon. He got his first 2 teeth at 5 months old, and now (17 months) has 12, plus the new ones coming in. He is the size of a 2 year old and loaded with energy. Stay-at-home Dad has his hands full!
I was involved in a minor car accident on Wednesday. Fortunately nobody was injured. I was driving in the far left of 3 lanes, and a car turned right onto the road I was on, going the same direction as me. If he had been content driving in either of the first 2 lanes until he picked up some speed all would have been well. But, he started to straighten out in the second lane and suddenly merged into my lane directly in front of me at about 15 miles per hour. Since I was driving about 50 miles per hour (the posted speed limit) I didn't have time to stop and smashed into the back of his car. It was raining and darkish as a result, and the other driver was 81 years old. I don't htink he ever saw me. Anyway. the other driver was issued a citation for "improper lane change" and held responsible for the accident. Consequently, his insurance is paying for everything. While my car is in the shop, I have been provided with a rental car. I ended up with a 2007 Ford Taurus - boy is it nice! I wish I could keep it.
My sister Amy from Chicago will be down here this coming week. She will actually be in Tampa for a work conference, but she will stay with me. I haven't seen her since February, and she hasn't seen us or Trevor since then either.
If you don't already know, I work as an ophthalmic technician in a multiple physician ophthalmologist's office. The job does not require a specific degree or formal education as long as one has sufficient training and hands on experience. It is possible to take a written test and obtain an official certification, however, which is beneficial to have (read: more$$). I am scheduled to take my test on October 7. I feel ready, and the doctors I work for think I'm ready, but I am a little nervous about it. Wish me luck!!!
BTW, check out this trailer, and buy the book. Great page turner, and supporting a good cause. See my previous post for a full explanation.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
A Good Cause
But the whole point here is that she doesn't keep these royalties. Every penny is donated to the NSPCC (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children). What a great cause to support!
So check out this cool trailer for an excellent book.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Hurricane Warning

How cute and innocent he looks. HA!
As I have mentioned before, we have an area of our apartment childproofed and blocked off for Trevor to play in. This includes his room, the hallway and a portion of the living room.
Yesterday morning, Trevor woke me up fussing at about 8:00 AM, so I got up, changed him and gave him a sippy cup of milk. Being Saturday, and I wanted to sleep in, I put Trevor is his area and went back to bed.
A couple hours later, husband got up to pee, came back a few minutes later and announced, "Trevor got out." I'm thinking, "Out? Out where? Outside!? Huh?" Hubby says, "He was in the living room. It's a mess." I ask, "Where is he now". "Back in his area," then hubby gets back in bed and goes back to sleep.
Of course, now I can't get back to sleep, wondering how Trevor got out, what kind of havoc he wreaked, and whether or not he will be able to do it again. So, of course, I got up. I ventured into the living room and was met with this:
That took a while to clean up. We have now reinforced the "fence" that keeps Trevor in his area. So far so good, but I'm sure that sooner or later, when he gets a little bigger and smarter, we will be back at square one again.