Sunday, April 15, 2007

The Big TWO!

Yesterday was my son Trevor's 2nd birthday. We celebrated by spending the day at the beach - his favorite place.

He got lots of cool presents, a card, a cake and a little bit of a sunburn.

A great time was had by all!


In other news:

We finally got our other iguana back! A neighbor spotted him in his yard, captured him and returned him to us safe and sound.

Bonnie and Clyde are reunited at last.


A joke:

A gas station in Mississippi was trying to increase its sales, so the owner put up a sign saying, "Free Sex with Fill-Up".

Soon a local redneck pulled in, filled his tank, and then asked for his free sex.

The owner told him to pick a number from 1 to 10. If he guessed correctly, he would get his free sex. The redneck then guessed 8, and the proprietor said, "You were close. The number was 7. Sorry, no sex this time."

A week later, the same redneck, along with a buddy, Bubba, pulled in for a fill-up. Again he asked for his free sex.

The proprietor again gave him the same story, and asked him to guess the correct number. The redneck guessed 2 this time. Again the proprietor said, "Sorry, it was 3. You were close, but no free sex this time."

As they were driving away, the redneck said to his buddy, "I think that game is rigged and he doesn't really give away free sex."
Bubba replied, "No it ain't, Billy Ray. It ain't rigged ----- my wife won twice last week!"


Anonymous said...

Good news all around. Happy wishes for the big two year old guy. Glad the iguanas are reunited. And that Free Sex with a fill-up was hilarious.

Margaret said...

All great news indeed. Belated happy birthday to the little man. What a funny joke.
Cheers Margaret

Duke_of_Earle said...

Glad you are again a 2-Iguana family. And with a "terrible-two year old" to boot! Fun!


Peter said...

Hi Christina, happy 2nd to Trevor, great joke.

Merle said...

Hi Christina ~~ I hope your little
son Trevor had a great birthday.
I guess he did when he got to go to the beach. Thank you for your comments and I had a lovely time over Easter, but it is good to get back.
Take care, Love, Merle.

Jack K. said...

Happy birthday to Trevor.

Loved the joke.

Free sex? Isn't that an oxymoron? tee hee

Emmy Ellis said...

Trevor is so beautiful! Kiss those cheeks!
