I have been given the Honest Scrap award by both Linda at Psyche Connections and Rhi at Peanut Butter Bound. The rules are: I have to list 10 honest things about myself, and I have to pass the award along to 7 other bloggers. Well here goes:
1) I am deathly afraid of spiders. It's hard for me to even look at a picture of one without a shudder.
2) I like red wine.
3) I have a college degree which I am not using in my current career.
4) I have one child and sometimes I want another one and sometimes I am glad I only have one.
5) My relationship with my mother is strained at times.
6) I am a very active dreamer, I dream every night.
7) I am thinking about buying a house for the first time.
8) I have a green and blue lava lamp next to my computer.
9) I voted for Barack Obama.
10) I am a total chocoholic.
I will pass this award on to:
1) Lora at Suburbia Las Vegas
2) My dad at Romantic Ramblings
3) Merle
4) Liquid
5) Jack K.
6) Peter at Holtie's House
7) Fred at Fred's World
I tried to post this last night, got almost all the way thru it and lost everything I had typed. So I had to start all over this morning. I hate it when that happens!!
Merry Christmas to all!