Monday, May 18, 2009

A Trip to Lakeland

Hi everyone, I hope you all had a great weekend.  

We went to Lakeland, FL on Saturday to visit my husband's older son from his first marriage.  Zac is 36 and has been in and out of jail for most of his adult life.  He seems to be doing pretty well this time, he's working and saving money and staying off drugs (so far).  Zac will be in my prayers because I really hope he makes it this time, both for his sake and my husband's.  

We did our normal thing on Sunday - went to the beach.  We were too lazy to put the boat in the water this weekend, although it would have been a perfect day for it.  Oh, well, there's always next time!  

We are going to Key Largo next weekend for Memorial Day.  We will drive halfway down in our camper van, then stop at a truck stop and sleep for a few hours.  We will get up Saturday morning and get to the Keys early, so we will have all day Saturday, all day Sunday and come home Monday.  It is about 5 1/2 to 6 hours total drive time to Key Largo from here.


Fred said...

Good luck to Zac. It's so hard to understand why it happens...I see it at school and it's so difficult to watch someone spiral out of control.

I love Key Largo! The in-laws used to live there and we visited them as often as we could to enjoy the lifestyle. Have a great trip!

Duke_of_Earle said...

Yes, have a wonderful, safe trip. We'll be thinking about you (and praying for Zac).


Merle said...

Dear Christina ~~ What a good wife you are to pray for Zac, who I hope stays off the drugs and keeps working
Sounds like a good trip for you all/ Then a great weekend at the beach,
and then a trip to Key Largo for
Memorial Day ~~ It is a fair distance so it's good you have a long weekend to do it in.
Thanks for your comments and glad you like the posts. I was relieved
the computer didn't need major surgery. Take care, Love, Merle.

Gutsy Living said...

I hope you enjoy your mini-vacation. I have to say, my son was defiant at 13-16, which is why we moved to Belize to get him away from potential problems with bad influences. He'd started heading down that path. I wish Zac all the best.

Shortcake said...

I, too, will pray for Zak. I have a son that went down that road and life is never the same. Zak will always struggle with the temptation. Lots of prayers and support will see him through. He will be added to my prayer list for daily prayer.
Have a great trip and please be safe.

LoraLoo said...

I'm behind in reading, so as I write this, you're already enjoying Key Largo. Hope you are having a fabulous time!!

I am wishing all the best for Zac. :)