Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Random Stuff

I have been dieting for two weeks and have lost 5 pounds! If I would just get off my lazy ass and exercise, I would have probably lost 10. oh well...slow and steady wins the race, right?

I am so addicted to Facebook, it's not even funny. I am currently involved in 2 farm games, Mafia Wars and a Pirate game. Way too much time to waste, I guess.

Trevor's swimming lessons start up again on the 29th. He has been practicing at the beach and is so ready to see Ms. Olivia again!

I recently had to replace my alternator to the tune of $300. Now I am over my budget this month and pretty broke. At least all the bills are paid!

My iguana escaped a couple weeks ago. Fortunately we got her back after a couple days. The neighbor's dogs alerted us to her whereabouts.


Merle said...

Dear Christina ~~ Pity we couldn't get those men to sit at our tables.
I am glad someone recognized them and that it wwas a joke.
My son picked up my glasses today and they are good now. We just have to persevere to get things right. I
hope your husband got his fixed.
Take care my friend, Sorry about the
altenator. How big is your iguana? Love, Merle.

Nik said...

Cool beans on the weight loss! Not exercising and ya lost 5lbs.? That's awesome, if only it could just be that easy. lol Facebook, yeah total addiction, so I feel ya there. I spend waaaay too much time playing on fb. Glad to hear things are going alright your way, well minus the car stuff. Hope you have an awesome weekend!

Fred said...

Good luck on the continued weight loss. I'm the same way...exercise would certainly help.

I'm spending more time on FB, too. It's so much easier to pull up the home page and voila! You can see what's going on with everyone.

Merle said...

Hi again Christina ~~ How can you misplace a 4 1/2 feet iguana?
Lucky the dogs didn't harm him.
Glad you enjoyed the jokes especially the Candle in Rome one.
I hope Trevor's swimming goes well.
Take care, Love, Merle.

Gutsy Living said...

Congratulations on the 5 lbs. I can't waste more time that I already do, as I need to write. Do you know Pine Island and Sanibel near Cape Coral? My husband and I wanted to check out properties there. is it a nice place to live? Sorry to ask you but I noticed you live in Clearwater.

Merle said...

Hi Christina ~~ Glad you liked the Grandma story and got a laugh from it. Sorry the weather has been too hot for you. Just the opposite here.
Take care, Love, Merle.