Sunday, July 09, 2006

A Day at the Beach

Not much to report. Spent the day on the beach with the family. Upper 80's, partly cloudy, light breeze, gulf of Mexico temp 84 degrees. Very pleasant and relaxing.

BTW, read a very nice short story this weekend , by Zinnia Hope. She writes erotic fiction (very well, too). Check out her blog!

Got to prepare for the coming work week. Sigh.



Emmy Ellis said...

I loved Free Spirits too, really got to me, that story did.

I've been lucky enough to have read Honeysuckle & Wild Roses too. Brilliant!

Glad you had a lovely day! Yay!


Zinnia said...

Awwwww! Okay, now I'm teary-eyed! Thank you for the lovely kudos!

Wow, I miss going to the ocean. I haven't had a vacation in so long and the ocean is my favorite place to chill.