Monday, July 03, 2006

Well, hello!

To be quite honest, I created this blog for the primary purpose of having a blogger account so I can comment on other people's blogs. I may or may not post on a regular basis. Many of you know me as a regular reader of your own blogs (you know who you are). I guess if I have something that I feel an overwhelming need to share, I will post it here.

Later dudes and dudettes!


Emmy Ellis said...


Welcome to blogland!


Christina said...

Woo Hoo!!

My first comment!!!!!

Somebody reads my blog!

KelRhiasMum said...

Hi Christina, I've read it too because you did such a good review on my li'l sister's book xx


Christina said...

Hi Wendy,

Welcome! Nice to meet you. Are you a writer also? I tried to link to your bolg, but wouldnt come up?